NbS Fiji Participants

Reflecting on a community-led nature based-solution to support survival of coral reefs in the face of climate change.

WIMA members - Marie Aisi and Marie Mamei and their mangrove restoration site at Poukama

Mangroves and climate change: Building resilient communities on the frontlines of climate change

Annual Report 21-22

Our Annual Report 2021-22

Government supporting communities in PNG to set up heat-tolerant coral nurseries through the Climate Resilient by Nature (CRxN) program

Nbs workshop Samoans coral ropes

Coral reef restoration as a Nature-based solution to climate change: the inaugural Marine Scientist workshop

Animal Health Delivery Ethiopia

Supporting Gender Empowerment in Animal Health Delivery in Ethiopia

Nature-based solutions

Kyeema supporting Nature-based solutions to climate change in Pacific Island Communities