
Poultry Farmer

     Amedio Kaikai (right) with Kyeema Chair Robyn Alders (left)

Papua New Guinea

We want to thank Amedio for the hard work and immense input into the development of the village chicken farm hub at Vanapa in Central Province.

Amedio Kaikai is a local farmer at Vanapa in Central Province (CP). He is a key member of the Vanapa Village Chicken Farming (VCF) outreach initiative, which was established with support from the Kyeema Foundation to support food security and income-generation for households in rural villages. He is a hardworking family man, always making sure his family is living a healthy and happy life. He is growing some village chickens in his backyard to maintain a consistent supply of protein to add to the fresh vegetables and greens harvested from the gardens he has also established.

He has been engaged in conducting baseline surveys and collecting data in the region for Kyeema Foundation’s monitoring and evaluation of the project. We want to thank Amedio for the hard work and immense input into the development of the village chicken farm hub at Vanapa in Central Province.