
Empowering the Next Generation of Sustainable Animal Health Champions

Training in sustainable Newcastle disease control seminar and Training of Trainers for community vaccinators

In recent weeks, Kyeema Ethiopia has been busy conducting its Training of Trainers (ToT) program aimed at developing sustainable animal health champions. These initiatives include the Training of Trainers for community vaccinators and a seminar on sustainable Newcastle disease control. The events were held at Bahir Dar University and Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, where dedicated veterinary medicine students exhibited their commitment to creating a positive impact in their communities.

Kyeema conducted a comprehensive Training of Trainers program for 28 fifth-year veterinary medicine students at Bahir Dar University and 23 students at Addis Ababa University School of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture in Bishoftu. The participants were equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to become competent trainers of community vaccinators. This training aimed to enhance their abilities to combat Newcastle disease effectively and contribute to sustainable animal health practices in their respective communities.

The program for the seminar included online presentations delivered by Kyeema’s key technical experts. These presentations covered crucial topics such as family poultry and food and nutrition security, running successful Newcastle disease vaccination campaigns, and introducing a veterinary student business challenge planned for Bahir Dar University and Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture in the 2023-24 financial year. The engaging sessions were led by Professor Robyn Alders from the Development Policy Centre at the Australian National University, Dr. Rosa Costa, Africa Regional Manager at Kyeema Foundation, Mozambique, and Dr. Eliza Smith, Technical Manager at Kyeema Foundation, Australia, respectively.

TOT BD University

Bahir Dar veterinary students with completion certificates for the ‘Training of trainers for Newcastle disease vaccination campaigns’ course.  

AAU Seminar. Robyn Alders

Addis Ababa University veterinary students attending the ‘Training in sustainable Newcastle disease control’ online seminar with guest speaker Professor Robyn Alders presenting. 

As part of their journey towards becoming sustainable animal health champions, the students are enthusiastic to engage in the business challenge in the upcoming year. The competition will not only encourage innovation and entrepreneurship but also provide financial support to the winning student, enabling them to further their endeavours in sustainable animal health.

The veterinary medicine students at Bahir Dar University have united to establish a One Health Club. This club can serve as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy on the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. By fostering a multidisciplinary approach, the One Health Club will undoubtedly contribute to the promotion of sustainable animal health practices and overall community well-being.

The seminar was also received well by the next generation of sustainable animal health champions; the interactive question and answer session after each presentation by male and female students revealed their critical thinking and

curiosity, critical to growing a meaningful and fulfilling career. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and opportunities, these initiatives aim to create a positive impact in communities, promote sustainable animal health practices, and foster the One Health approach. Kyeema Ethiopia remains committed to nurturing and supporting these future leaders in their journey towards building a sustainable and healthier future for animals, humans, and the environment.

This program was made possible through the support of the Australian Government through Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). Kyeema would like to express deep gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of these initiatives, including our collaborators at Bahir Dar University and Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, the speakers, and the dedicated students who actively participated. We would like to specifically thank Dr Hailu, Dr Tadiose and Dr Yasmin Jabril. If you’re interested in learning more about this work or contributing to continue and expand the activity please contact us at: kyeema@kyeemfoundation.org.

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