
Fiji is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate-related disasters. In 2016, over 60% of the population were adversely affected by Cyclone Winston, the worst recorded tropical cyclone to make landfall in the South Pacific. Climate-related disasters are increasing in frequency and intensity in Fiji, and with such devastating effects on infrastructure and food security, many vulnerable households have insufficient time to recover.

A key solution – improving local chickens

Fijians rely heavily on imports for up to 50% of their food consumption. Poultry ranks second to seafood as the most important protein source for South Pacific Nations, but the industry is dominated by commercial factory-type farms completely reliant on imported chicks. These are poorly suited to village conditions, require expensive imported feeds to ensure productivity, and do not breed well in local conditions, further exacerbating food insecurity. Through selective breeding of local chickens, Sustainable Environmental Livelihoods for the Future (SELF) has created a diverse and more productive breed that is well adapted to local conditions and that great potential for improving food and nutrition security in Fiji and other Pacific islands.

Country snapshot

With thanks to our partner

Our work with SELF

SELF promotes poverty alleviation in Fiji and the South Pacific.  And they do this through livelihoods development and by supporting self-sufficient and risk resilient communities that are making adaptations for climate change issues. SELF has a best-practice sustainable land management, permaculture and diversified small-scale farm productivity model that can be an inspiration to Pacific Island youth and the wider community.   And show them how they might develop their land and resources for a more prosperous future.

Funding from Palladium’s ‘Let’s Make It Possible Communities Fund’ supported this work. 

Austin Bowden-Kerby, Managing Director of SELF.

View his TEDx Talk here. 

Past projects

In conjunction with our PNG project Food security and income for villages in PNG through village chicken rearing and reef restoration, we sent five Master Farmers to Fiji for four weeks to learn about coral reef restoration, permaculture, participatory community decision making and improved village chicken keeping. 


Supported by: DFAT ANCP

Learn more about the workshop here.

The Palladium Group provided funds to Kyeema to support the “Happy Chicken” program at Teitei in Fiji run by Sustainable Environmental Livelihoods for the Future (SELF). The project aimed to meet the increased demand for climate-adapted chickens for cyclone rehabilitation and food security in South Pacific communities.


Supported by: Palladium Let’s Make it Possible

Learn more about the project here.

Project updates


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