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Papua New Guinea

Building resilient communities

Kyeema’s PNG program is building resilient communities by supporting community-led efforts to help restore compromised coastal ecosystems. This helps to maintain the protective climate-related services they provide. Through complementary activities such as coral reef and mangrove restoration and village chicken rearing, Kyeema is helping to support environmental, food and nutrition resilience in these communities.

Given the large proportion of the rural population that relies on fish and poultry for food, nutrition and income security, we will directly address the improvement of coastal reefs to restore fish breeding grounds and provide affordable protein and income alternatives through village chickens. This will address the high rates of protein deficiency and child stunting. Our model works towards providing an alternative source of protein while reducing the reliance on fish as the main source of protein to build resilient communities in the face of increasing pressures on local reefs and fish stocks. 

Papua New Guinea Statistics
Papua New Guinea Map


marine restoration

With support from USAID through the Pacific American Fund, Kyeema is partnering with Yule Island Council of Women’s Association (YICWA) to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities through nature-based solutions and sustainable development initiatives.

This project combines marine ecosystem restoration and sustainable livelihoods to empower communities to adapt to these challenges, with a special focus on women-led initiatives.

Supported by: USAID through the Pacific American Fund

Status: On pause.

Find out more about the project here.

The project will scale work with rural communities in PNG to develop a gender-inclusive village chicken value chain that preserves a valuable local livestock resource and
expands it into a commercially viable market option to improve livelihoods and food security.

Supported by: DFAT ACNP

Status: Ongoing (started July 2024)

Find out more about the project here.

Nbs croppedThe project will support young indigenous scientists from six PICs and community leaders from Fiji (Malolo) and PNG (Yule Island) to help restore compromised reef ecosystems (and linked mangrove habitats) and maintain the protective climate-related services they provide as a key Nature-based solution. This will be facilitated through climate adaptation training focusing on:

  • Propagation of heat tolerant corals in established nurseries
  • Local Marine Management Areas (LMMA)
  • Improved local breed chicken keeping as an alternative livelihood and food source

Supported by: DFAT and WWF

Status: Ongoing

Read more on this project here.

The project aims to restore marine habitats through community led coral gardening activities in two coastal communities in Tubusereia and Ala’ala villages in Central Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG). The main objective of the project is empowering local marine conservation leaders to work with their local communities and government to establish effective and sustainable marine resource recovery zones.

Supported by: USAID

Completed in 2023. 

This project will work with four coastal communities of Central Province to undertake coral reef conservation activities and introduce village chicken keeping and vegetable gardens as alternative food/livelihood activities to increase food and nutrition security, reduce poverty and help communities adapt to climate change.

Learn more about the project here.

 Supported by: DFAT ANCP 

Completed in June 2024.

KYEEMA PNG farmsWith financial support from the English Family Foundation, Kyeema undertook a scoping study visit to Papua New Guinea (PNG) to determine the feasibility of setting up village chicken breeding and training centres in Central Province.


Supported by: English Family Foundation

Learn more about the study here.

With thanks to our partners

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Website by  Sprout Projects, Paolo Curray and Faith Considine