New Our Communities Projects

We are pleased to announce the latest projects selected for funding through the Palladium Our Communities Fund, each championed by a dedicated Palladium staff member. The Our Communities Fund focuses on initiatives that use a positive impact approach to create sustainable and effective community benefits.

Building Integrated Aquaculture Systems for Food Security and Women’s Empowerment in Peru

Acate Amazon Conservatión

Palladium has been actively involved with Acate Amazon Conservation and the Kokáma communities since 2020 on a carbon offsetting project. Although reforestation efforts have been completed, Palladium continues to work with Acate and the communities to monitor the social and environmental impacts. A recent visit highlighted the severe drought affecting the community’s ability to fish, which led to the conception of this project.

Acate Amazon Conservation Our Communities

The grant will fund the construction of four integrated aquaculture systems in Kokáma communities along the Marañón River. These systems aim to enhance food security, especially for women and children, by providing a reliable protein source. Additionally, the project will improve climate resilience and support reforestation by integrating fish production with agroforestry.

Rural Poultry Centre Our Communities

Farmer Field School at Chadza, Malawi

Rural Poultry Centre

This project aims to establish a facility at the Farmer Field School (FFS) in Chadza for the incubation of fertile chicken eggs and distribution of day-old chicks (DOCs) to small-scale farmers. The project includes constructing a guardhouse, sanitary facilities, a storage building for incubators, solar power, and space for discussions and demonstrations. This facility will serve as a demonstration and training centre for small-scale poultry producers, addressing the high demand for local chickens.

The initiative also seeks to train at least four local farmers in incubation technology and engage selected individuals in the care and handling of DOCs. This effort will significantly advance the operationalization of the Farmer Field School, providing farmers with practical skills for rural poultry enterprises.

Roots for Agro-Ecological Resilience in Colombia

Foundation Proyectar Sin Fronteras

Proyectar Sin Fronteras (PSF) empowers rural and urban communities in Colombia by promoting agroecology and sustainable production. This project targets the regions of Bogotá, Boyacá, and Cundinamarca, where communities face climate challenges and structural inequalities, leading to destructive agricultural practices and food insecurity.

The project will support the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) certification for 40 farming families, establish native seed banks, and provide nutritious food to over 1,600 individuals through solidarity food baskets and improved community gardens. Additionally, the initiative will enhance agro-ecological markets, fostering economic and environmental resilience while improving access to healthy food and supporting local farmers.

PSF Colombia Our Communities

Kyeema would like to thank our coporate partner Palladium for supporting the Our Communities Fund and making these activities possible.

Kyeema Foundation Improve the health and wellbeing of marginalized communities and their environments
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