Kyeema Foundation (Kyeema) is a Member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID). We welcome feedback on our conduct.
Please send any feedback or complaints to maryy@kyeemafoundation.org or write to: Chief Executive Officer, GPO Box 3023, Brisbane Qld 4001.
We have a strong commitment to adhering to the ACFID Code of Conduct. We align our policies with this Code and DFAT requirements. If after consulting Kyeema about a concern you may have, you are not satisfied with the complaints handling process, you can raise your concern with ACFID here.
Kyeema’s interest and capacity are communicated by e-news (to loyal supporters and our subscriber list), annual reports and this website. We recognise the importance of our annual report as an accountable document to stakeholders and donors. Copies of the most recent reports can be viewed here. Our constitution can be viewed here.
Kyeema is committed to delivery of sound development activities and places great importance on operating with honesty, openness and integrity. We are committed to using donations ethically and efficiently. All of our fundraising activities will be compliant with relevant legislation governing fundraising and the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Fundraising Charter.