
Palladium Challenge Fund 2023

“Technology for Humanitarian Action” 

In a rapidly evolving world, our approach to humanitarian action must evolve too. The challenges facing humanity today are magnified by climate change and global instability. The disparity between humanitarian needs and available resources continues to widen. It is evident that we need to reimagine how we deliver humanitarian assistance in order to create a more effective and responsive system.

This year’s Palladium Challenge Fund is dedicated to “Technology for Humanitarian Action.” We are excited to offer up to AU $100,000 for projects that have the potential to revolutionize the delivery of humanitarian aid in times of crisis, whether triggered by natural disasters or geopolitical instability.

The Palladium Challenge Fund, managed in partnership with Kyeema Foundation is actively seeking proposals from organizations that offer innovative and sustainable solutions to address humanitarian crises. We aim to harness the power of technological innovation, both by scaling existing innovations and unlocking new possibilities. The selection panel will be prioritizing proposals that empower local communities and provide enduring, long-term solutions.

The humanitarian community is under immense pressure due to the impacts of climate change and global instability. Experts are diligently working to maximize available funding and leverage technology to expedite and enhance humanitarian response efforts. This shift in perspective includes transitioning from mere response to proactive preparation, early warning analysis, and anticipatory response activities. This challenge is dedicated to identifying and supporting technology that holds the potential to deliver faster, more sustainable, and locally relevant humanitarian responses.

The potential of technology in humanitarian action is vast. Artificial intelligence can enhance forecasting and decision-making processes. Social media provides real-time updates and feedback mechanisms, helping identify critical needs swiftly. Unmanned aerial vehicles expedite mapping and monitoring efforts. Digital cash facilitates rapid financial assistance both before and after disasters strike.

During the acute phases of a crisis, drones can aid in supply deliveries, blockchain technology can monitor distribution, and 3D printing enables local production of essential goods. Technology also empowers communities by allowing them to rebuild lost connections through social media and access global best practices and training materials.

Technology for Humanitarian Action

Exacerbated by climate change and global instability, the gap between humanitarian needs and available resources is growing.
We need to change how we deliver humanitarian action.

Challenge Fund 2023 image

Through this challenge fund, we’re seeking proposals from organisations that offer innovative and sustainable solutions to humanitarian crisis – unlocking the value of technological innovation or scaling existing innovations. We’re particularly interested in proposals that empower local communities and offer sustainable long-term solutions.

Innovations could include, but are not limited to:
• Early warning and predictive analytics
• Blockchain to aid humanitarian monitoring
• Social media to guide needs assessment
• Digital cash transfers, both anticipatory and responsive
• Drone technology to aid distribution
• 3D printing to facilitate local production of goods
• Biometrics and digital IDs to aid monitoring and tracking

We are looking for solutions that:
• Pilot new technologies and innovative approaches
• De-risk start up ventures targeting humanitarian response and / or address constraints in the humanitarian system
• Convene groups around innovation for humanitarian response
• Scale existing innovations

To apply for funding of up to AU$100,000, visit our Challenge Fund page or get in touch at palladium@kyeemafoundation.org.

Concept notes are due by October 27, 2023.