Tag Archive for: ANHAcademyWk2016

KYEEMA Veterinary Cold Chain

Robyn Alders launches Veterinary Cold Chain Manual at Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy Week in Addis Ababa

ANH week 2016 Robyn Alders

The Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy (ANH) Academy is a global research network in agriculture and food systems for improved nutrition and health to serve as a platform for learning and sharing.

Last week KYEEMA’s Robyn Alders attended the ANH Academy Week, an annual event organised by the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) and Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Action (IMMANA), bringing together the global community of interdisciplinary researchers and research-users working in this area.

The goal of the event is to facilitate participation and engagement of the African research and research-user communities with participants from around the world through a series of ‘Learning Labs’ and Conference of keynote speakers, plenaries and research presentations.

On 21 June, Robyn (University of Sydney) co-facilitated a learning lab plenary workshop on ‘Options for achieving optimal diets in resource-limited settings’ with Delia Grace (International Livestock Research Institute) and Paula Dominguez-Salas (London School of Tropical Health and Medicine and Royal Veterinary College).

The workshop took an ecohealth approach, assessing nutritional and nutrition-sensitive agriculture and value-chain programs at local and national levels and focusing on sustainable systems, process and policy. Topics covered included the impact of agro-ecological zones on food availability, options for quantifying the nutritional content of available food, trade-offs and synergies between nutritional security and other health and wellbeing goals, and establishing processes that promote facilitating policy environments.


From the Learning Lab workshop presentation initially prepared for the International Congress of the World Veterinary Poultry Association 2015, Capetown, South Africa. (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, University of Sydney, CGIAR Research Program on Nutrition and Health, Royal Veterinary College London)


In collaboration with the African Union Pan African Veterinary Vaccine Centre (AU-PANVAC) and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), KYEEMA Foundation was proud to launch the first veterinary cold chain manual targeting animal health practitioners to improve the effectiveness of animal health vaccination in support of food and nutrition security at this session.

KYEEMA Veterinary Cold Chain

Veterinary Cold Chain Launch Speakers: Jeff Waage (Chair, LCIRAH), Johanna Gregory (1st Secretary, Australian Embassy, Addis Ababa), Robyn Alders (KYEEMA Foundation and USyd), Nick Nwankpa (AU-PANVAC).