Resilient Communities

In FY22/23 we made a substantial impact, providing support to 45,831 individuals in their journey towards building resilience within their communities. We extended assistance to 3,470 people affected by both climate-related and humanmade disasters. Access to locally improved sustainable energy infrastructure has been granted to 200 individuals, contributing to the sustainable development of communities. Notably, predominantly through our work in the Pacific region, we’ve engaged 326 people in the development, adoption, and implementation of local disaster risk reduction strategies and climate change plans.

Additionally, as part of these efforts, we’ve reported the active involvement of 340 individuals in initiatives related to ‘life underwater.’ Our contributions extend further, as we’ve supported 40,000 individuals through the Humanitarian Relief Fund. This support has included access to mental health and psychosocial assistance, as well as facilitating entry into livelihood interventions and income-generating initiatives for those affected by conflict.

Resilient communities
Wilson Hazelman

Wilson Hazleman placing an A-Frame during the Marine Science Training Workshop for CRxN project in Fiji, August 2022.

Photo credit: Mike Worsman, Give Media

Pacific NbS project – focus on coral nurseries Fiji/PNG

Within the DFAT/WWF Australia Climate Resilient by Nature program, we’ve conducted two workshops this year, organized into two distinct streams. The first stream involved a two-week training session in Fiji, where 19 Marine Science graduates from Fiji, Samoa, and PNG received comprehensive instruction in the practical and theoretical aspects of establishing thermotolerant coral nurseries. Participants worked in country groups to plan test sites in their home countries, with seed funding provided for thermotolerant coral nursery construction and monitoring. Each group will collect data and report results, aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the thermotolerant coral gardening approach for community reef restoration.

An additional training session was held in Fiji for selected community members from Moturiki, focused on providing training in community-led coral gardening and village chicken rearing, as an alternative source of both protein and income. This approach seeks to support the reduction of overfishing in local reefs undergoing restoration. These workshops, therefore, address both environmental conservation and socioeconomic aspects, fostering a holistic approach to community resilience.

The following projects were supported by Kyeema through the Palladium funded Our Communities Fund and Humanitarian Relief Fund. 

Ethiopia disability project

Partnering with Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanstha, the Yuva-Sathi project provided sexual reproduction, health and rights education to schools across three rural districts in Latur, Kolhapur and Pune districts in Maharashtra, improving gender empowerment through participation in sessions on gender issues and women’s equal rights. Through this project, 1,772 adolescents, teachers and parents (male and female) received education on sexual health and participated in sessions on gender issues and women’s equal rights, 31 of which received disability support services specific to their needs so that they could participate fully in the sessions.

Ethiopia disability

Mongolia education project

Development Interlink NGO, funded through the Our Communities Fund, is implementing the ‘mini solutions’ program in three rural Mongolian schools. This initiative has provided improved access to educational information and communication technology to 1,443 individuals, primarily focusing on enhancing educational and creative literacy among students. The program also involves capacity development for 3 teachers across the three schools, to adopt leadership positions in program implementation and student progress monitoring.

Ukraine activities – child health and protection focus within disaster assistance.

Ukraine incubators

Amid the conflict in Ukraine, the Humanitarian Relief Fund has funded numerous activities aimed at assisting those affected by the war, particularly focusing on child health and protection in disaster situations. Thanks to this support, the Ministry of Health in Kyiv received two mOm portable batteryoperated incubators, which have estimated to save the lives of 64 babies during the reporting period. Partnerships for Every Child extended help to 97 families, comprising 190 children who had sought refuge in Moldova and were being integrated into Moldovan communities. These families were provided with improved access to essential food and hygiene products.

The Centre for Prevention of Child Abuse provided psychosocial support to Ukrainian refugees, benefiting children and families from Ukraine living in refugee centers and host families throughout the country through their mobile units’ teams. The funds contributed to the delivery of mental health and psychosocial support to refugee children and caregivers.

Additionally, over 40,000 documents were distributed to Ukrainian children, enhancing their access to psychosocial services and support during the conflict.

Website by Sprout Projects, Paolo Curray and Faith Considine