Become a monthly supporter of KYEEMA

Did you know that you now have the option of donating monthly to KYEEMA? Here is how your donation dollars can help each month.

$10 a month

Delivers training for a household in village chicken keeping practices including Newcastle disease control.

That means you as an individual can directly support 12 households in a year to improve their knowledge about building a healthy household chicken flock, which has been shown time and time again to increase the consumption of chicken meat and eggs by children in the household – effectively contributing to reducing the malnutrition rate in the local area.

$100 a month

Trains and equips a community vaccinator to vaccinate village chickens, a sustainable business that benefits the entire community.

At KYEEMA we believe in contributing to the local economy with truly local solutions. Just imagine the reach of your donations each year by setting up a small business for one individual each month in a different village? We have a strong focus on gender empowerment in our projects so you can be confident that we endeavour to train and retain 50% women as vaccinators in each project we conduct.

Donate $10 monthly to KYEEMA

$30 a month

Buys a household chicken starter kit: 1 rooster, 3 hens, 1 year’s vaccination against Newcastle disease.

Just imagine how your monthly contribution could help build the health and productivity of the local breed chicken flock in an entire village. Households without chickens in these communities are the most disadvantaged people in the community, often dealing with disability or living with chronic diseases. Giving a household without chickens a starter kit is a very effective way to improve their food and livelihood security, and sense of community participation and belonging in these settings.